Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Where’s Nikolas and Zachary Cruz’s Estate?

One question I had was where is Nikolas Cruz’s mother’s estate so I did a little digging.  According to a Sun Sentinal report that was posted yesterday, Nikolas Cruz and Zachary Cruz were the sole heirs of their mother’s estate.  It also states that Rocxanne Deschamps seeks to administer the Cruz estate and requested to do so one day after the shooting.  Upon further investigation, the NY Post reported that Zachary Cruz, Nikolas Cruz’s brother was involuntarily committed to a mental health facility under Florida’s Baker Act two days after the shooting.  Florida’s Baker Act allows individuals to be held involuntarily for 12 hours for a psychiatric exam and it is unknown what happened to Zachary.

With Nikolas going to prison, Zachary would have been the sole heir to the estate and he was supposed to turn 18 sometime this week.  With Nikolas going to prison and Zachary in a mental health facility, it leaves the estate wide open and it sounds like Deschamps may possibly take control of it.  I find it odd that the day after the shooting she applies to administer the Cruz estate and then after she does this, puts Zachary Cruz in a mental health facility.  Doesn’t anyone else find this kind of odd?

According to comments that since have been wipe from Deschamps Facebook account, “he bought a gun and wanted to bring it in my house.”  According to Chad Bennett, a family friend,  Deschamps gave Nikolas Cruz an ultimatum, he can get rid of the gun and stay or take the gun and leave her house.  Cruz chose to leave and ended up moving in with the Snead family.

Cruz later told the Snead family that he was going to inherit $800,000 from his deceased parents but the Sun-Sentinel stated Lynda Cruz’s probate was just recently opened.  In 2016 Lynda Cruz re-opened the probate file of her late husband stating she had a contract in place to short sell the house and the property in Parkland sold in January 2017 for $575,000.  It is unclear as to how much Lynda Cruz was worth, how big the estate will be or who will ultimately control it.  This story will be updated when more information comes available.

Where’s Nikolas and Zachary Cruz’s Estate? published first on https://gatewaypatriot.com/

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