Sunday, May 20, 2018

Did Putin Just Ask For Iran’s Exit From Syria In Meeting With Assad?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad paid an unannounced visit to Vladimir Putin on Thursday evening at the Russian president’s summer home in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi where the two leaders discussed the process for winding down the war in Syria, and notably the reduction of foreign troop presence in the country. This marks the third such known meeting inside Russia between Assad and President Putin since 2015, and the first since two major instances of external airstrikes on the Syrian government dramatically escalated the prospect for broader war. The first was the April 13th US-led coalition attack involving over one hundred missiles on sites in and around Damascus; and the second was the May 10 Israeli attack on dozens of targets inside Syria in what was the biggest military escalation between the two countries in decades. May 17th meeting in Sochi. Image source: SANANo doubt the two leaders, both long branded international pariahs by the West, had a lot to discuss after the uptick of external military action in Syria, but likely looming larger was the Iran and Israel question, and Israel’s continued threats of attack should its “Iranian red line” go unenforced. Recall that a mere week ago Netanyahu concluded a 10-hour visit with Putin in Moscow just as Israeli jets were in the air beginning strikes against Syrian bases said to house Iranian troops. Did Putin Just Ask For Iran’s Exit From Syria In Meeting With Assad?

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Senator Richard Pan is pushing a bill that would make it a “crime” for anyone to question vaccines

(Natural News) Fake News. The term that didn’t even exist five years ago has now become everybody’s favorite way to suppress free speech. Senator Richard Pan is pushing a bill that would make it a “crime” for anyone to question vaccines

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Senator Richard Pan is pushing a bill that would make it a “crime” for anyone to question vaccines published first on

Sante FE, TX Shooter Attorney Cites Teacher on Student Bullying Reports; School Says Untrue

SANTA FE, Texas (AP) — The Latest on the mass shooting at a Texas high school (all times local): A Santa Fe high school baseball team member who was wounded in the shooting attended the school’s playoff game Saturday. Team member Rome Shubert had a bandage on his neck and was still wearing his hospital bracelet at the game. He was dressed in a team jersey but in shorts rather than a uniform. Most members of the Santa Fe team had crosses painted on their face and initials of shooting victims written on tape around their wrists. Some members of the opposing team, Kingwood Park, had “Pray for SF” written on tape around their wrists. Members of both teams gathered on the field arm-in-arm and said a prayer before the game. Latest: Attorney cites bullying reports; school says untrue

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Sante FE, TX Shooter Attorney Cites Teacher on Student Bullying Reports; School Says Untrue published first on

“It’s Over” – Biggest ‘Russiagate’ Cheerleaders Start Covering Their Tracks

Authored by Daniel Lazare via, As months turn into nearly two years and no solid evidence emerges to nail Russia for nabbing Election 2016, some big Russiagate cheerleaders are starting to cover their tracks. The best evidence that Russia-gate is sinking beneath the waves is the way those pushing the pseudo-scandal are now busily covering their tracks.  The Guardian complains that “as the inquiry has expanded and dominated the news agenda over the last year, the real issues of people’s lives are in danger of being drowned out by obsessive cable television coverage of the Russia investigation” – as if The Guardian’s own coverage hasn’t been every bit as obsessive as anything CNN has come up with. The Washington Post, second to none when it comes to painting Putin as a real-life Lord Voldemort, now says that Special counsel Robert Mueller “faces a particular challenge maintaining the confidence of the citizenry” as his investigation enters its second year – although it’s sticking to its guns that the problem is not the inquiry itself, but “the regular attacks he faces from President Trump, who has decried the probe as a ‘witch hunt.’” And then there’s The New York Times, which this week devoted a 3,600-word front-page article to explain why the FBI had no choice but to launch an investigation into Trump’s alleged Russian links and how, if anything, the inquiry wasn’t aggressive enough. “It’s Over” – Biggest ‘Russiagate’ Cheerleaders Start Covering Their Tracks

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“It’s Over” – Biggest ‘Russiagate’ Cheerleaders Start Covering Their Tracks published first on