Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Taiwan Coast Guard Arrests 31 Foreigners for Human Trafficking Resulting in Two Drowning Deaths

Human trafficking is worldwide folks and it needs to be stopped.  People are kidnapped and smuggled all over the world to be sold into sex slavery or to people that will pay high dollars for underground adoption.

Coast Guard Administration (CGA) officials yesterday said they have arrested 31 foreigners in a suspected human-trafficking operation that resulted in two drowning deaths.  CGA units and local police cooperated in the arrest of 15 foreigners near the coastal village of Nantian (南田) in Taitung County’s Daren Township (達仁).

“All 15 foreigners arrested yesterday [Monday] were Vietnamese, except for one woman from China. We believe they are all part of the same human-trafficking ring operated by a Taiwanese ship, which tried to land them along the Taitung coast so they could enter the country illegally,” said Li chih-hao (李智豪), a section chief at the agency’s Eastern Coastal Patrol Office.

The speedboat headed to a spot about 2 nautical miles (3.7km) from the shore of Nantian Village, where a Taiwanese man told the foreigners to get into a rubber dinghy and to row the rest of the way to the shore, the agency said.

The dinghy capsized in high waves and six occupants fell into the water. The CGA patrol tried to rescue two of those who fell into the water — a Vietnamese man and woman — and rushed them to hospital, but the two were later pronounced dead.

The other four — two Vietnamese women, a Vietnamese man and a Taiwanese man — made it to land, where they were arrested by coast guard agents.  The Taiwanese man is likely a crew member of the Kaohsiung-registered Jin Chun Cai (金春財), which is suspected of being engaged in human trafficking, the agency said.  The agency said it boarded the vessel, where they found 16 Vietnamese nationals and six Taiwanese crew members. (Taipei Times)

It’s a shame that this kind of crap goes on.  Reading the reason why these Vietnamese foreigners were trying to enter Taiwan illegally was to work.  It was better for them to risk working in Taiwan illegally because of high labor broker fees.  This is the type of thing that happens in Socialist and Communist nations and this is the type of shit the left wants to bring here.

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Dreamers Arrested for Human Smuggling and Violence Against Family

There’s no doubt that our immigration system is jacked up and without our border being secure, it’s hard to know how many illegals are actually in the United States.  What the mainstream fake news will not tell you is there are a lot of so called dreamers out there committing crimes not only against their own people, but also other Americans.

Two “Dreamers” were arrested by federal law enforcement officers in unrelated incidents last week in connection with human smuggling and violent crimes.  He had originally applied for and received DACA protection in 2012, officials said. However, the man later committed assault causing serious bodily injury to a family member, driving while intoxicated and burglary of habitation. He was convicted on all crimes and eventually was released on probation.

Another Dreamer was arrested in an unrelated incident March 19 after agents found him driving a vehicle near Rodeo, N.M., in “an area frequently utilized for human smuggling,” officials said.  During the investigation, agents found three passengers who admitted to illegally entering the U.S., officials said.

The driver, whose name was not released, also admitted to agents that he knew the passengers were migrants illegally smuggled into the U.S., officials said. He allegedly told agents that he was being paid to transport the migrants. (El Paso Times)

How many more so called Dreamers have committed crimes?  How many were swept under the rug and not reported?  How many didn’t face charges and were just deported to only come back?  These are the types of issues that we face with so called Dreamers.  We do not know who they actually are if they aren’t vetted.  We need to fix this broken system and get the wall built ASAP.

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Operation Safe Haven Nabs 29 in Multi-State Human Trafficking Bust

This kind of garbage runs rampant around the world and this is something the fake news media will not cover.  Look at the names and locations of the people who were arrested in this operation, they come from all over the US.  I am sure a lot of the Hispanic females do get pimped out by these scumbags and this is the type of thing that the left wants to bring here.  These are so called “Dreamers” the left talks about but you won’t hear them reporting on stories like this.

29 people have been arrested including five people from Moultrie in a multiple state human trafficking bust on Thursday with officers searching for nine more.

The arrests come as part of “Operation Safe Haven,” which began as an investigation in Moultrie that identified a loosely affiliated organization that coordinates the movement of Hispanic females throughout the southeastern United States.

According to a five-count indictment filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, at least one of the victims identified during the investigation was a minor when she was trafficked. Law enforcement officers rescued 15 potential victims of fraud, force or coercion, in the brothels and residences searched yesterday. (WFXL)

Those arrested include:

59-year-old Jose Roberto Laines a/k/a “El Viejon” of Moultrie, GA

57-year-old Galdino Benitez of Moultrie, GA

42-year-old Carmen Michelle Pecina of Moultrie, GA

51-year-old Maria Mercado a/k/a “Marisol” of Duluth, GA

55-year-old Heriberta Caraballo a/k/a “Cristina” and “La Columbiana” of Louisiana

39-year-old Juan Ortiz Bojorquez of Louisiana

34-year-old Antonio Flores Esparza a/k/a “Tonio” of Pensacola, FL

53-year-old Jose Trujillo a/k/a “El Gordo”

56-year-old Germania Guzman a/k/a “Deborah” of Houston, TX

34-year-old Flor Torres of Columbia, SC

37-year-old Uvaldo Barrioz Perez of Moultrie, GA

33-year-old John McLeod of Moultrie, GA

52-year-oldJuan Gomez of Hartsfield, GA

42-year-old Evelyn Patricia Yanes, a/k/a “Patty” of Houston, TX

29-year-old Arnold Campbell of Houston, TX

53-year-old Alejandro Monterrey of Norcross, GA

36-year-old Bernabe Carbajal, a/k/a “El Chaparro” of Montgomery, AL

60-year-old Gloria Isabel Reyes, a/k/a “Estela Reyes,” Gloria Dominguez”, “Dona Gloria” of Forest, MS

43-year-old Milton Ivan Dominguez of Forest, MS

41-year-old Luis Roberto Dominguez of Mississippi

46-year-old Amada Garcia a/k/a “Marlene” of Taylor, SC

34-year-old Jaime Ramirez Villeda of Winston-Salem, NC

32-year-old Ernesto Trejos Villeda of Winston-Salem, NC

55-year-old Alba Blandon a/k/a “Dona Alba” of Sunset, LA

24-year-old Mauro Lira a/k/a “Chino” of Hattiesburg, MS

Yamileth Hernandez a/k/a “Yamileth Portillo” and “Gabby”

Juan Jose Sotelo a/k/a “Don Jose” of Prairieville, LA

Leti LNU of Atlanta, GA

Carlos Perez a/k/a “Chema” of Atlanta, GA

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Franklin County Ohio Sheriff Deputy Rescues A Minor and Two Woman From Sex Slavery

Another scumbag goes down.  I would like to thank this Sheriff Deputy in Franklin County, OH for being vigilant and spotting this treachery.  We need more Sheriff Deputies like this in America, not ones like the Broward Cowards in Florida.  Thank you for Protecting and Serving!

 A girl and two women have been rescued after being forced to work as sex slaves according to Columbus Police.28-year-old Antwan D. Williams Sr. from Canal Winchester has been indicted on seven charges including promoting prostitution and pandering sexually-oriented material involving a minor, among others. Police said Williams Sr. advertised his victims online for commercial sex and child pornography. The victims include a minor girl from Youngstown, a woman from Columbus, and a woman from the state of Georgia. (NBC4I)

Police said a vigilant Sheriff’s Deputy spotted the signs of human trafficking and helped saved the victims.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

89 Arrested, 39 Girls Saved in Pedophile Ring Bust in Spain

In another win for the good guys, Spanish police have busted another pedophile ring.  Spanish Police recently took down 155 Chinese Nationals in a human trafficking ring.  The Chinese were shipping migrants to Britain and Ireland at $25k a pop.

Spanish police have rescued 39 girls from a notorious Nigerian organized crime ring who kept them in a cave-like house and forced them into prostitution in Spain.  According to reports, they were freed in a joint operation involving the UK’s National Crime Agency and Nigeria’s National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons.  The UK’s National Crime Agency, said the victims, many of whom are under 18, had undergone voodoo/juju rituals in Nigeria.  Traffickers have been known to force their victims to undergo voodoo rituals, a means used to establish their hold on them and ensure they never run away or divulge the traffickers’ secret. (Punch)

It’s good to hear stories like this.  Pedophile rings and human trafficking rings are rarely reported by the fake news media because the people they protect are complicit in both.  When President Trump drops the hammer on these satanist fucktards, it will be a glorious day.  We will see Republican and Democrat scumbags going down.  Stand up and fight for what’s right!

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal

I think we may be seeing more and more of this now that President Trump is cracking down on pedophiles.  Like I stated in this pedophile ring bust, it is hard for me to come up with stuff to say on these busts but I am happy some justice if being served.  I have my opinions on what should happen to these fucks but I think the penalty should be more harsh to people in church leadership positions.

On Thursday, the residents of Saginaw County, MI looked on as dozens of police officers raided two Catholic Diocese of Saginaw properties and the home of Bishop Joseph Cistone. The raids were carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into apparently rife sexual abuse in the church—and their history of covering it up.

“Contrary to the statements of the diocese and the bishop that they would fully cooperate with law enforcement, they did not,” Gaertner said. “Therefore it was necessary for law enforcement to use other investigative tools, including search warrants.” (The Free Thought Project)

It’s long overdue to crack down on the churches that support this kind of shit.  This kind of activity doesn’t belong in the world and it needs to be eradicated.  This is a worldwide epidemic and we need to unite the world to stop these shitbirds.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

Sergei Skripal Was Close to Christopher Steele, Author of Fake Trump Dossier

There are numerous reports out that have stated poisoned Russian spy Sergei Skripal was close with Christopher Steele, author of the fake Trump Dossier that was used by Clinton and Obama to spy on President Trump.

The report withheld the security consultant’s name but stated he knew Skripal for some time and lived near him in Salisbury, while citing a LinkedIn account as confirmation that the consultant worked for Orbis. Steele’s Orbis was hired by Fusion GPS in 2016 to research Trump. (Newsweek)

Now lets seriously ask ourselves this question, isn’t it sloppy the Russians would use a nerve agent at a shopping center in England?  That seems pretty stupid to me and I just can’t see them doing this because it just seems very sloppy.  If they really wanted to kill him, they would have done so.  I heard pundits say that this is sending a message to the world the Russians can get anyone anywhere and they can get past security and there is nothing we can do.  This is just completely preposterous in my opinion.

I believe this was a deep state attack trying to tie up some loose ends regarding the fake Steele Dossier.  He was a double agent tried and convicted of treason in Russia, I imagine they thought he would easily turn states evidence and he needed to be eliminated and why not kill two birds with one stone by killing him and then blaming it on the Russians.  He probably wasn’t meant to survive but he did.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks.

We do not need to be in any wars and the fake news media keeps pitting us against Russia.  There are a lot of people scumbags that would profit from such a war and we need to remember this when we see the fake news media peddling their warmongering propaganda.

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Milton Cooper Talks JFK Assassination and How to Take Down the Deep State

Milton William Cooper was a Navy Intelligence Officer who claimed to have access to some of the most secretive documents the United States government has to offer.  Listening to his CNN interview and what has come to pass, I have no doubt Bill Cooper is who he claimed to be.  I happened to stumble upon his information by accident and listening to his CNN interview really blew my mind.  In this short piece, he discusses the JFK assassination and how to take down the Deep State.  He talks about Executive Order 11110 which was meant to break the back of the Deep State.  Bill said that JFK was killed because he was going to release the information about aliens and UFO’s and that is when the Deep State decided to kill him.  I think it was Executive Order 11110 that got him killed.

On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superseded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.

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The Murderous Abortionist the Left Hopes You Forget

When I use forgets in the title, I make the assumption you have heard of this dirtbag and there may be a good chance you don’t.  Kermit Gosnell may be the most prolific abortionist and it may be in the hundreds of babies him and his staff killed.  The public record doesn’t take into count that a lot of his late-term abortions happened late at night when no staff was there and it was just him and his wife doing the abortions.  It was estimated he would bring in about $15,000 a night murdering babies.

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Let’s Not Forget James Foley, Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg and Steve Sotloff

With Trump nominating Gina Haspel as the new CIA Director, you’d think the left would praise this move because she would be the first female to hold such a position but no, they are up in arms because she ran a black site in Thailand that interrogated enemy combatants. The fake news media is trying to claim the moral high ground about the interrogation tactics and quite frankly, I am not surprised. She is more than qualified for the person and her 30-year record proves that. To be honest, if the left doesn’t like it, means it’s a good decision.

Reading through the fake news publications, I see cries about us being a nation of laws and if we torture them, it’s unlikely they can be tried here in the states. Right here is one of the issues. These are terrorists that have harmed and killed Americans abroad, not in the United States. These terrorists are not afforded the rights under our constitution because they are not citizens. If they are knowing and actively trying to harm Americans and are caught, they deserve whatever happens to them.  We are talking about animals that beheaded journalist James Foley, Daniel Pearl, and Steve Sotloff and posted the videos online.  These people do not value human life and want to destroy our freedom and impose their will on us and we must not let them.  Waterboarding seems to be an effective way to break these terrorists.

Jose Rodriguez has no regrets about using the “enhanced interrogation techniques” – methods that some consider torture — on al Qaeda detainees questioned after 9/11 and denies charges they didn’t work. The former head of the CIA’s Clandestine Service talks to Lesley Stahl about those methods, including waterboarding, for the first time and defends their use – even comparing them to the current policy of killing al Qaeda leaders with drone strikes.

Pressed by Stahl about charges that Zubaydah, who was waterboarded and sleep deprived, gave false information that wasted U.S. resources, Rodriguez replies, “Bull****!, He gave us a roadmap that allowed us to capture a bunch of al Qaeda senior leaders,” says the ex-spy.

Rodriguez says the interrogation program, which also included stress positions, nudity and “insult slaps,” was “about instilling a sense of hopelessness…despair…so that he [the detainee] would conclude on his own that he was better off cooperating with us.” He says that even Khalid Sheik Mohammed, whom he termed “the toughest detainee we had,” eventually gave up information…read more at CBS

I’m getting sick of the anti-American rhetoric we get from the mainstream news. It’s hard enough we have to fight being censored, we have a media that is actively trying to bring down America. It’s hard to get on Twitter and see any mainstream media site post anything positive about President Trump. He is doing a lot to keep America great but he has a lot of enemies trying to take him down, foreign and domestic.  We need to stand up and get behind him and support him however we can.  It’s time to take back our country from the globalist scumbags!

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Indiana Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing CBD Oil

Indiana lawmakers have sent a bill allowing the sale of CBD oil. CBD oil is believed to have therapeutic effects and doesn’t contain the compound to get high. Confusion of CBD oil has led to a statewide crackdown last year…read more from the IndyStar. I have never tried CBD oil but if it is an alternative to opioids, then we need to try it. It’s time to star thinking about alternative medicine with the opioid epidemic, it may be the only way to fix it.

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Operation Human Freight Arrest Dozens in a Human Trafficking Sting

On the evening of February 28, 2018, detectives set up a base at a truck stop in the northern section of Pierce County near the I-5 corridor. Officers were searching for both suspects promoting prostitution and victims of human trafficking. Within four hours, officers found seven women who were victims of prostitution and three others who were victims of human trafficking.

“It’s about ending the cycle of human trafficking, “says WSP Chief John R. Batiste. “This operation not only helps protect the victims of human trafficking but also safeguards our communities from criminal activity”…read more at KHQQ6

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Laredo Border Patrol Agents Rescue 22 Illegal Aliens in a Box Truck

On February 23, 2018, Agents at the Border Patrol Checkpoint on Interstate Highway 35, north of Laredo, Texas encountered a box truck at the primary lane.  The driver was questioned regarding his immigration status and was referred to secondary for further inspection.  Border Patrol agents were able to rescue 22 illegal aliens inside the box truck.  The 22 illegal aliens were found in good health and determined to be from the countries of Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala.  The driver, a United States Citizen, was arrested.

“These criminal organizations view these individuals as mere commodities without regard for their safety.  The blatant disregard for human life will not be tolerated.  We will continue to work with our law enforcement partners to disrupt and dismantle these organizations and prosecute those responsible,” said Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta…read more US Customs and Border Protection

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