Saturday, March 24, 2018

Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal

I think we may be seeing more and more of this now that President Trump is cracking down on pedophiles.  Like I stated in this pedophile ring bust, it is hard for me to come up with stuff to say on these busts but I am happy some justice if being served.  I have my opinions on what should happen to these fucks but I think the penalty should be more harsh to people in church leadership positions.

On Thursday, the residents of Saginaw County, MI looked on as dozens of police officers raided two Catholic Diocese of Saginaw properties and the home of Bishop Joseph Cistone. The raids were carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into apparently rife sexual abuse in the church—and their history of covering it up.

“Contrary to the statements of the diocese and the bishop that they would fully cooperate with law enforcement, they did not,” Gaertner said. “Therefore it was necessary for law enforcement to use other investigative tools, including search warrants.” (The Free Thought Project)

It’s long overdue to crack down on the churches that support this kind of shit.  This kind of activity doesn’t belong in the world and it needs to be eradicated.  This is a worldwide epidemic and we need to unite the world to stop these shitbirds.

Police Raid Multiple Catholic Church Properties in Sweeping Child Sex Abuse Scandal published first on

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